implementing Rtab_map on a robot which has lidar and odometer

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implementing Rtab_map on a robot which has lidar and odometer

Hi ,
I am new to rtabmap. i have a robot that has only lidar and odometer, How can i implement rtabmap for my robot in the simulation environment??
I have installed rtabmap-ros. I would be grateful if anyboy has implemented rtabmap with this sensors, send me the package, to check on my own as well.

Thanks a lot
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Re: implementing Rtab_map on a robot which has lidar and odometer


you can look at the Kinect+2D laser example. To remove the camera, set subscribe_depth=false, subscribe_rgb=false and subscribe_rgbd=false for rtabmap node.

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Re: implementing Rtab_map on a robot which has lidar and odometer

Thanks a lot, Mathieu for your response,
and instead of 2D laser, may I use Lidar?

All the Best

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Re: implementing Rtab_map on a robot which has lidar and odometer

2D laser scan and Lidar is loosely telling the same thing. A 2D LiDAR would produce a 2D sensor_msgs/LaserScan. A 3D LiDAR would produce a sensor_msgs/PointCloud2.
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Re: implementing Rtab_map on a robot which has lidar and odometer

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Hii, I really confused on how to edit the launch file, in order to make it suitable for my robot. the topics that generated by my robot is these ones: rostopic.rostopic I have also a rtabmap.launch file that rtabmap_ros have created for me, and the one which has been mentioned in the which of them I should work with?? and what are the changes? Thanks a lot for your kind support rtabmap.launchrtabmapnew.launch
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Re: implementing Rtab_map on a robot which has lidar and odometer

Hi, I added some examples in this launch file with husky robot in simulation:
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Re: implementing Rtab_map on a robot which has lidar and odometer

Dear Mattieu,

first thanks a lot for supporting me to solve the problem of updating rtabmap. Now, I have another question, I have launched gazebo in one workspace and rvize in the other workspace. then i have used the launch file which you mentioned ( in the third workspace.
now my question is that with which command the vehicle will start moving and do mapping?
actually i do not know the first steps of implementing rtabmap in the simulation environment.

All the Best
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Re: implementing Rtab_map on a robot which has lidar and odometer


If you don't have a joystick, you can send 2D Nav goals with rviz button. Otherwise you can create a teleop keyboard:
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard
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Re: implementing Rtab_map on a robot which has lidar and odometer

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In reply to this post by matlabbe
Dear Mattieu,

I cannot find this file: file="$(find husky_navigation)/launch/move_base.launch" />

I want to see what kind of navigation techniques, you have used in order to change it and make it compatibe with my robot.

previously for 2d navigation i used gmapping for creating a map and AMCL for navigation, but now I donot know what should I use to create have a 3D mapping and navigation for rtabmap.would you please help me in this part?

Thanks a lot
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Re: implementing Rtab_map on a robot which has lidar and odometer

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In reply to this post by matlabbe
dear Mattieu,

I have changed the navigation part in the demo_husky.launch file to be compatible with my robot
after running the command " rosrun rtabmap-ros demo_husky.launch", I receive the following error, what does it mean?


Thanks a lot
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Re: implementing Rtab_map on a robot which has lidar and odometer

Are the topics published?
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Re: implementing Rtab_map on a robot which has lidar and odometer

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Dear Mattieu,

before running rtabmap, i have these topics:


after running rtabmap, i have the following topics:
I receive the following topics:rostopiclist1.png

I have also a number of queries:
1)what is lidar3d_ray_tracing ?what does it provide us?

2) why do we consider "icp_odometry" in a false mode? when this parameter can be in a true mode? (why I caanot use this parameter when I have only lidar3d?)

3) it seems the error that I sent to you before comes from this line (    <arg unless="$(arg icp_odometry)" name="odom_topic" value="/odometry/filtered" />), I have also changed this  "/odometry/filtered" topic into "/odom" topic, but again I have error from /odom\ .

one more question:
why after running rtabmap, I have both

Thanks in advance
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Re: implementing Rtab_map on a robot which has lidar and odometer

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would you please help me to resolve this issue? i get stuck in the first steps.
I am also confused that after that I could run rtabmap, how can I save the created map?
this is the frame that I receive:  frames.png

All the best
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Re: implementing Rtab_map on a robot which has lidar and odometer

dear Mattieu,

I want to install libpointmatcher, but it takes the following error:lipointmatcher.png

I am working on ubuntu 16.4

what are the required dependencies to be installed for rtabmap?
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Re: implementing Rtab_map on a robot which has lidar and odometer

In reply to this post by matlabbe
Dear Mattieu,

I could run the rtabmap, now in rviz I have such a output: output.png

actually, in this step i dont know how to save the map? I mean i used key_telop, and this map has been created, now, how to save it?
what are the next steps, that I should do?
(in the first ws, I run gazebo
in the second ws, I run rviz,
and in the third ws, i run rtabmap, and in another ws, I run key-telop)
Now i donot know how this map can be saved? that in the next step i want to do navigation based on created map.

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Re: implementing Rtab_map on a robot which has lidar and odometer


I changed the status of rtabmapviz, to true. but i have the following error: rtabmapviz.png

what does it mean? what should i do?

All the Best
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Re: implementing Rtab_map on a robot which has lidar and odometer

Dear Mattieu,

I have change the status of localizatio to true, in order to be able to do navigation, but it shows the following error:

would you please support me to resolve it?

Thanks in advance
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Re: implementing Rtab_map on a robot which has lidar and odometer


not sure what is working or not after your follow up questions. For the last error, you have to install DWA planner package. Without knowing which launch you are using, it is also difficult to answer.
