is it possible to label a location and make it recallable?!

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is it possible to label a location and make it recallable?!

hi mattieu,

is it possible that during mapping with visual odometry, lablel one specific location , and then when the vehicle moves to its initial location, by receiving this lable, again go to that location. I mean i want to have this procedure to be done based on the images that it captures from that location, not based on gps, because gps is not so accurate and it may specify a wrong location as the intended one.

is it possible?
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Re: is it possible to label a location and make it recallable?!


yes, you can see the example in this video:

See label related services:
rosservice list | grep label

Once labels are added to map, we can send a goal with set_goal service:
rosservice call /rtabmap/rtabmap/set_goal "node_id: 0
node_label: ''
frame_id: ''"

or publish on goal_node topic. Rtabmap will find the corresponding node of the label and republish its pose on goal_out topic.
