When i tried to run :
roslaunch rtabmap_ros rgbd_mapping_kinect2.launch
i kept getting an error about the image encoding, but and when i looked, i saw the depth had an encoding of mono16, not
TYPE_16UC1, as was expected. This is from the kinect2_bridge application.
So I changed all TYPE_16UC1 to MONO16 in the code, and added "mono16" to the cv_bridge lines, like:
cv_bridge::CvImageConstPtr ptrDepth = cv_bridge::toCvShare(depth, "mono16");
does this look okay?
Now when i run i don't get any errors, but I don't think the point cloud is being built correctly.
Most of the time their is no cloud in the main part ofo the window, and sometimes it is there, but rotated 90 and translated pretty far from what I am currently pointing the camera at
Here are some screen shots(4) of a progression of one run of the program