localization won't be corrected with gravity

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localization won't be corrected with gravity


for making match the pointclouds and 2D map, I changed the setting in panel properties: now I have /rtabmap/initialpose/
and by clicking on 2D pose i specified the place that the vehicle should be in the first state.
after closing rviz and launch it again , I have the following error :

what should i do now? how can i fix it?
and how can i increase the speed of vehicle in rviz as well?
after specifying the goal, the robot does not stop at the specified goal as well, it starts turning around itself, how can i fix this issue as well??
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Re: localization won't be corrected with gravity


Do you mean this warning?
[ WARN] (2021-05-02 19:33:03.268) Rtabmap.cpp:2960::process() Gravity link not found for 2 and/or 31, localization won't be corrected with gravity

It is because Optimizer/GravitySigma is not set to zero, so it is expecting imu data. As Optimizer/GravitySigma is now non zero by default, I just removed the warning for that case. For current ros binaries, set Optimizer/GravitySigma to 0 to suppress this warning if you are not using imu.

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Re: localization won't be corrected with gravity

Dear Mattieu,

I have imu, and in the launch file i have also defined it.I have also checked "rostopic hz /warthog_imu", and it is publishing.
So why do I have this error again?
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Re: localization won't be corrected with gravity

Can you show your rqt_graph to see if the imu topic is correctly connected to rtabmap node?

If connected, check if the code is passing there: https://github.com/introlab/rtabmap_ros/blob/23c06875b9369988a2815edb915cd1eade85031a/src/CoreWrapper.cpp#L2033-L2037