rpi4 and rtabmap

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rpi4 and rtabmap

Hello Mathieu,
I would like to use rpi4 as my companion computer for autonomous drone with d435 camera.

Referring to your guide I have set
--Vis/MaxFeatures 500 --Mem/ImagePreDecimation 2 --Mem/ImagePostDecimation 2 --Kp/DetectorStrategy 1- --OdomF2M/MaxSize 1000 --Odom/ImageDecimation 2
Odom/Strategy 1 --Vis/FeatureType 10 --Grid/MapFrameProjection true --NormalsSegmentation false --Grid/MaxGroundHeight 0.1 --Grid/MaxObstacleHeight 1.6 --RGBD/StartAtOrigin true
Still with this parameters the rtabmap/odom is not always >10hz. Does rtabmap/odom depend on environment?

What other parameters I could use to improve processing?

Currently d435 camera has 15hz frame rate and resolution of 640*480. Is 15hz too low ? should I increase it to 30hz ?

I saw rtabmap gives octomap also. doesn't this require more processing? Can I disable it to improve processing ?
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Re: rpi4 and rtabmap


If you use "--Odom/Strategy 1", you may do optical flow for feature matching, which would give a small boost of speed: "--Vis/CorType 1".

VO will drop images when receiving a new one while it is still processing the old one. Sending images at 30 Hz may increase slightly the frame rate if the processing time is under 100 ms.

Octomap ray tracing would be used if Grid/3D and Grid/RayTracing are enabled at the same time. However the octomap topic is only generated if you subscribe to one of octomap output topic of rtabmap node.