rtabmap Android compile problem

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rtabmap Android compile problem

I am studying SLAM recently, and found rtabmap an amazing project! but unfortunately, as i am reading and compiling rtabmap, I found the version of rtabmap and tango-core unmached!

question 1:
can u email me the older version of "Tango SDK for Java" ? thanks! because  the file of Tango SDK for Java on the download page "https://developers.google.com/tango/downloads"  is "Version 1.53, May 2017)" , is too new to  mactch the version 0.11.11 rtabmap.

queston 2
I am compiling the rtabmap for Android, so can you provide a DEV BOX like vbox/vmware/docker image for android etc, (ESPECIALY Docker~~~) and others just can run this image directly, also we can build our develop environment base on the image?

my emal is liangshiyuan.china@gmail.com
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Re: rtabmap Android compile problem
