rtabmap and move_base

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rtabmap and move_base

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I'm trying to get move_base working with rtabmap. I followed this post and all my nodes are up and running. But I'm not getting any data on the '/cmd_vel' topic. Something is wrong with my setup but I can't figure it out.

I found this older post which talks about properly connecting the '/rtabmap/grid_map' topic.

Looking at my rqt_graph it looks ok to me (full graph: rosgraph.dot):

/rtabmap/grid_map is mapped to /map:
<remap from="grid_map" to="/map"/>

And rtabmap communicates with move_base via actionlib:
<param name="use_action_for_goal" type="bool" value="true"/>
<remap from="move_base"            to="/move_base"/>

I don't see any error messages coming from move_base but I notice that move_base has very few published topics, only three. Also move_base doesn't subscribe to an odom topic. Is that necessary? And if so, where do I configure that?
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Re: rtabmap and move_base

I got a bit further by moving the "remap" commands into the rtabmap ROS <node> section. I had it in the <include> section of my launch file which didn't work. So now /map is connected to rtabmap and also move_base.

But I still can't get "/odom" to connect to move_base. I guess something is wrong with my local planner so I need to look into that.

That's likely not an rtabmap issue anymore so consider my original issue in the post solved :)
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Re: rtabmap and move_base

I don't think move_base subscribes to an odometry topic, but TF should be correctly set. Try the tutorial on Gazebo here to see how everything is connected.

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Re: rtabmap and move_base

Thanks Mathieu. Yes, I was able to make move_base subscribe to an odometry and scan topic. Now it works as expected. Appreciate your help!
