rtabmap does not compile with current OpenVINS

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rtabmap does not compile with current OpenVINS

Hi there,

I encountered a problem compiling rtabmap with OpenVINS odometry support. It seems that the API has changed some point in the past. Could you tell which git commit of OpenVINS is recommended to install with rtabmap?
Is there a chance to see support for the current OpenVINS API / Version in rtabmap in a future release? Because it seems that they also fixed quite a lot of bugs recently...

OpenVINS github repository:

Best regards,
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Re: rtabmap does not compile with current OpenVINS

Hi Dominik,

I fixed the build errors with latest OpenVINS version. I tested with:
roslaunch rtabmap_ros euroc_datasets.launch args:="Odom/Strategy 10" record_ground_truth:=true
rosbag play --clock V1_01_easy.bag
Got around 5 cm ATE. There is a red screen for about 5-7 seconds at the beginning until the drone takes off.

Note that a way to guess to which dependency version an Odometry approach has been tested is to look at the last commit of the odometry file. For example, the previous commit for OdometryOpenVINS was on March 28 2021, so you may have tried the OpenVINS version at that date. So if OpenVINS breaks again their API in the future, you know how to find the compatible version.

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Re: rtabmap does not compile with current OpenVINS

hello Mathieu,

wow, I didn't expected such instant reaction and fixing! Thank you so much
I pulled the latest versions and compiling worked flawlessly.

So a 5cm ATE sounds very reasonable, since in your paper, original MSCKF scored 6.0. Very nice achievement!

The red screen in the beginning is because OpenVINS is waiting for some IMU excitation to calibrate. Maybe that is suboptimal in the benchmark, but I can easily include some initial motion before starting task execution (mapping) in real apps.
I think I read somewhere, that continuous online calibration is work in progress currently.

Also quickly tried out the new version of RTABMap-OpenVINS with a RealSense D455 (Infra-Stereo-IMU-Odometry + RGB-D-SLAM). Looks quite good to me:

Thanks again and best regards,