rtabmap for kinect v2 on ROS Indigo

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rtabmap for kinect v2 on ROS Indigo

I am trying to implement your code on the kinect v2 (K4Wv2) on ROS Indigo.
I am using libfreenect2 and iai_kinect2 to interface the kinect with ROS.

Could you help me out on configuring/building your code using libfreenect2?
Any pointers in this direction would be helpful.

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Re: rtabmap for kinect v2 on ROS Indigo


On ROS, the built-in options for libfreenect, openni and openni2 are not enabled. Images are taken instead from nodes like openni_launch, openni2_launch or freenect_launch to integrate to existing robot system.

If you want to add libfeenect2 for the standalone version, you can look at the examples in https://github.com/introlab/rtabmap/blob/master/corelib/src/CameraRGBD.cpp. There is one for libfreenect (1), but I think the API may have changed between the two versions.

I have a K2Wv2 too here, but I didn't successfully able to use it on Hydro yet. I wasn't aware of the iai_kinect2 package, I will take a look soon. thx

PS: I've seen your email first, answer in this thread instead if you reply :P
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Re: rtabmap for kinect v2 on ROS Indigo

This post was updated on .
thanks. I'll have a look
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Re: rtabmap for kinect v2 on ROS Indigo

In reply to this post by matlabbe
I got the Kinect2 to work with the ROS version of rtabmap. Here is what I did.

I installed the ROS version of rtabmap as specified in the installation page.

I am using libfreenect2 and the iai_kinect2 package to integrate the sensor with ROS (indigo).

The rtabmap node expects the topics
as inputs. The equivalent topics published by the kinect2_bridge node of the kinect2_bridge package that is part of iai_kinect2 are the following.

So, I wrote a launch file for launching the kinect2_bridge node that would remap the iai_kinect2 topics to the required rtabmap topics as follows.
  <arg name="publish_frame" default="false" />

  <include file="$(find kinect2_bridge)/launch/include/kinect2_frames.launch">
    <arg name="publish_frame" value="$(arg publish_frame)" />
  <node name="kinect2_bridge" pkg="kinect2_bridge" type="kinect2_bridge" respawn="true" output="screen">
      <remap from="/kinect2_head/rgb_rect/image" to="/camera/rgb/image_rect_color"/>
      <remap from="/kinect2_head/depth_highres/image" to="/camera/depth_registered/image_raw"/>
      <remap from="/kinect2_head/depth_highres/camera_info" to="/camera/depth_registered/camera_info"/>

The other thing that needs to be changed is the "frame_id" of the headers of the kinect2_bridge images.
Rtabmap expects the frame_id s of the input images to be base_link, while the kinect2_bridge outputs them as "head_mount_kinect2_rgb_optical_frame".
For lack of a simpler (lazier) way to implement this modification, I just changed the entry for  K2_TF_RGB_FRAME in kinect2_definitions.h file in the kinect2_bridge folder.

Now you can run
 $ roscore 
 $ roslaunch kinect2_bridge <my_new_launch>.launch 
 $ roslaunch rtabmap rgbd_mapping.launch
 $ roslaunch rtabmap rgbd_mapping_rviz.launch
and everything should work.

Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction.
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Re: rtabmap for kinect v2 on ROS Indigo

Nice, I'll try this! Thank you for the detailed description.

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Re: rtabmap for kinect v2 on ROS Indigo

For information, I've finally tested the approach above on a clean Ubuntu 14.04/Indigo installation. I've made a launch file (rgbd_mapping_kinect2.launch) to test the Kinect v2.

Install driver
Follow ALL installation directives of the iai_kinect2 package. Make sure it is calibrated for better mapping results!

$ roslaunch rtabmap_ros rgbd_mapping_kinect2.launch
$ rosrun kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge  _publish_tf:=true
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Re: rtabmap for kinect v2 on ROS Indigo


In the rgbd_mapping_kinect2.launch file, rgb/image and depth/image are mapped to rgb_lowres and depth_lowres respectively. Is there an alternative to the lowres images, because providing regular rgb and depth images, gives an error that datatype is 16 or 32 bit.

Also, in L44-45: in the arguments /base_link and /kinect2_link, should one of these correspond to the frame_id published by kinect2_bridge?
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Re: rtabmap for kinect v2 on ROS Indigo

This post was updated on .

Are you using the binaries? I think there was a fix about the datatype error in the trunk (to include more types of images).
In the launch file, I've put the combinations that you can try:
           sd: rgb_lowres / depth_lowres
           hd: rgb_rect / depth_highres
           ir: ir_rect / depth_rect

Example HD:
$ roslaunch rgbd_mapping_kinect2.launch rgb_prefix:=rgb_rect depth_prefix:=depth_highres max_depth:=10 inlier_distance:=0.1 local_map:=5000

Note that in HD, the odometry is very slow. There is still some parameters tuning to do for the Kinect2... I should check this soon.

The /kinect2_link is published by kinect2_bridge. By default, rtabmap uses "frame_id=/base_link" so I just added a static_transform instead of setting the frame_id for all nodes to /kinect2_link.

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Re: rtabmap for kinect v2 on ROS Indigo


Thanks for your response.
I use the latest source code.
Unfortunately kinect2_bridge doesn't publish depth_lowres or depth_highres in my case.
It only publishes depth (512*424), depth_rect (512*424), depth_scaled (1920*1080). But all of these are of type 16UC1 and hence result in an error.

The frame_id issue was resolved with your clarification.

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Re: rtabmap for kinect v2 on ROS Indigo

These are the topics sent when kinect2_bridge is up:
$ rostopic list