rtabmap low fps

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rtabmap low fps

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I try to run rtabmap on ROS kinetic, ubuntu 16.04, jetson TX2 with Intel realsense d435 camera.
My problem is that mapCloud refreshing very slow in rviz, around 1 frame per 2 seconds approximately.
here is my rtabmap.launch
and here is some screencast

Is it supposed to be so slow?

How to solve this problem?
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Re: rtabmap low fps

RTAB-Map has default update rate of 1 Hz, this can be modified by changing Rtabmap/DetectionRate parameter.
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Re: rtabmap low fps

Already did that, does not help
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Re: rtabmap low fps

Ok just saw that you set it to 30 Hz (which is quite high!). The next thing is the input rate of the topics, rtabmap will then update at the lowest frame rate of them. For example, if camera topcis are at 30 Hz, but scan or odom are just at 1 Hz or 5 Hz, rtabmap will update at max 1Hz or 5Hz.

Can you show (assuming you are using realsense):

$ rostopic hz /camera/color/image_rect_color /camera/depth/image_rect_raw /camera/color/camera_info /odom /scan

In general, I recommend to pre-sync the camera topics together before rtabmap node when we subscribe to odom or scan with different frame rates than camera. See this example: http://wiki.ros.org/rtabmap_ros/Tutorials/SetupOnYourRobot#Kinect_.2B-_Odometry_.2B-_2D_laser
