rtabmap-ros mapping without loop closure detection

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rtabmap-ros mapping without loop closure detection


I'm using rtabmap_ros with kinect and a simulation environment (Gazebo) and ubuntu 14.04 with ros indigo

I'm trying to 3D map a very big structure model (Aircraft model) placed in a Gazebo environment..the 3D mapping is done using a kinect placed on a UAV that autonomously navigates around the structure ... the map starts to be created successfully and incrementally but after a several hours the first mapped parts disappears. covering the structure takes alot of time. The path that the UAV follows is too long and does not include loop closure so I increased the RGBD/localimmunizationRatio from 0.025 to 0.5 to handle longer paths and I set up the RGBD/LocalLoopDetectionSpace to false but still I have the same problem

so what could be the problem in my case ??

The nodes and parameters I used are in the following text file : rtabmap_parameters.txt

Thanks in advance
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Re: rtabmap-ros mapping without loop closure detection
