rtabmap ros node zed odom

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rtabmap ros node zed odom

Hi dear people.

I do have:

*ZED stereo camera

*Jetson TX2 mounted on a drone.

I have installed:
SDK 2.8 on Jetson pack 3.3
Cuda 9
Ubuntu 16.04

I am using /zed/odom topic for 3D outdoor and indoor mapping and I would like to test the /zed/odom and if possible to improve it.

So the questions are:

* How can I test the /zed/odom?

* How can I improve it?

Regards and thank you :)
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Re: rtabmap ros node zed odom


For /zed/odom, you may ask on https://github.com/stereolabs/zed-ros-wrapper/issues

To evaluate it, you may need a GPS RTK if you are outdoor, or tracking system (e.g., VICON, OptiTrack...) indoor. Then having ground truth poses along odometry poses, you could evaluate its accuracy with TUM's evaluation tools.
