rtabmap_ros turned off realsense d415

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rtabmap_ros turned off realsense d415

Hi !

I got an issue when I start rtabmap_ros with realsense d415

My d415 publishes in the following topics:

so I have modified the rgbd_mapping.launch to subscribe to these topics with realsense d415. I named this new launch file  rtabmap_rgbd.launch

I run realsense2_camera demo_pointcloud.launch in order to get messages in the topics, but when I start rtabmap_rgbd.launch, the camera node stop as you can see:

I am on NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX, 4.9.201-tegra kernel
I tried the experience on an Ubuntu 18.04 5.4.0-73-generic and all works well

I manage to build all required libraries and compile my catkin_ws

However I have an issue with my camera on the frame rates I don't have with ubuntu, may is it linked
You can find the issue I have here: https://github.com/IntelRealSense/realsense-ros/issues/1899

Thank you
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Re: rtabmap_ros turned off realsense d415


It seems the images are not published after a while, maybe caused by bad cable or compatibility issue with usb driver on the jetson.

If you want to debug this, launch only realsense2_camera, then subscribe manually to each topic you need with rostopic hz:
rostopic hz /camera/color/image_raw \
   /camera/depthimage_rect_raw \
and see if you have constant frequency for each topic. Note also that for rtabmap, you should enable align_depth option for realsense and use aligned_depth topic instead of the raw depth topic:
rostopic hz /camera/aligned_depth_to_color/image_raw \
   /camera/color/image_raw \
