This post was updated on .
Dear Mathieu,(please see my last reply to this post)
Thank you very much for your reply on my previous two posts.
I now have connected ZED on TX2 and managed to send images from it to
a laptop,in charge of RTAB-Mapping and built map successfully over wired network.
But when intending to get data from Wi-Fi, RTAB-Map couldn't receive rgbd data even though
rostopic hz showed the data was received(in a very low rate,like 0.1,though).
I was trying data_throttle and I have to set decimation to 4 so that rtabmapviz could
display something(red background ,though). I wonder if I can feed the following topics to rtabmap directly
cause they arrived at the laptop with a much higher rate, like 2-3,
but rtabmap still showed nothing received.
I also tried compression:=true, but nothing received, either.
plus, the image resolution is VGA and framerate is 15.
Thank you!!