setting the initial-pose of the robot programitically

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setting the initial-pose of the robot programitically

Hi Mattieu,

i have one question about the location of the robot after mapping mode.
after that i did mapping,  i moved the vehicle 2m forward, and then launch rtabmap in localization mode,now in rviz i can see that the pose of the robot is the same as the time that the robot was in mapping mode. now, how can i update the initial pose of the robot while it is in localization mode? i want to do programmatically? is it possible?

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Re: setting the initial-pose of the robot programitically


You can use /rtabmap/initialpose to arbitrary set the initial pose of the robot in the map in localization mode. Note that if a loop closure can be found, the robot should localize itself in the map.

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Re: setting the initial-pose of the robot programitically

Dear Mattieu,

I am working with the real robot, it is not simulation. for the real robot, it cannot identify its new location.