stable setup for kinect v1

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stable setup for kinect v1

Hi, I'm trying to get kinect v1 to work on freenect/openni + rtabmap_ros for the last week. I've tried on odroid xu4, on laptop PC, on desktop PC, with ubuntu mate and bionic, with ros kinetic and melodic. After fighting on each setup I manage to get it working but in unstable way. I can run rosrun frenect_launch freenect.launch and rostopic hz /camera/rgb/image_raw OR  rostopic hz /camera/depth/image_raw. It usually works for a few seconds to a couple of minutes.
When I try to rostopic hz both messages at the same time it works for less time. Less than a minute.
The thing is, does anybody know a hardware/software setup that allows mes to work with kinect v1 on a stable fashion?
Openni driver get the same problem.
I've tested kinect with windows drivers and it works ok with the examples provided for microsoft sdk.

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Re: stable setup for kinect v1


Here are the computers I tested over the years with which I know kinect 360 is working (most of the time I use freenect on mac os x and ubuntu, openni2/openni on Windows). I had a macbook pro 2010 with triple boot mac os x / ubuntu 14.04 ROS indigo / windows 7 and the kinect was working in all os. I now have a XPS15 2019, dual boot with Windows 10 / Ubuntu 18.04 ROS melodic, working on both so far. I have also two desktop computers with Windows 7 or 10 and ubuntu 16.04 ROS kinetic and they also work with kinect360.

I know some people may have problems with the model of the kinect. Mine is "Model 1414" (look under its foot).
