Using single stereo camera (device=0) Camera initialized successfully Stereo model: Baseline: 0.059000 Left fx: 1169.041067, fy: 1169.041067, cx: 809.218430, cy: 549.442814 Right fx: 1169.041067, fy: 1169.041067, cx: 809.218430, cy: 549.442814 Image size: 1920x1080 Press ESC to quit, 'r' to start/stop recording. [ WARN] (2024-10-18 20:16:12) OdometryF2M.cpp:565::rtabmap::OdometryF2M::computeTransform() Registration failed: "Not enough inliers 10/20 (matches=118) between -1 and 2" [FATAL] (2024-10-18 20:16:12) OptimizerG2O.cpp:1906::rtabmap::OptimizerG2O::optimizeBA() Condition (optimizer.verifyInformationMatrices()) not met! the final calibration %YAML:1.0 --- camera_name: v3_right image_width: 1920 image_height: 1080 camera_matrix: rows: 3 cols: 3 data: [ 1.0432729593104793e+03, 0., 9.6817899140676104e+02, 0., 1.0437151166783851e+03, 5.4787074179925901e+02, 0., 0., 1. ] distortion_coefficients: rows: 1 cols: 5 data: [ 2.2983564924898458e-02, -3.0795060067362240e-02, 2.0109709445381911e-03, 8.3164915158473885e-04, 2.1762285839859938e-03 ] distortion_model: plumb_bob rectification_matrix: rows: 3 cols: 3 data: [ 9.9642747902063711e-01, -1.5890042875408825e-02, 8.2944472932169722e-02, 1.5845339921251176e-02, 9.9987373793833800e-01, 1.1972401579947057e-03, -8.2953024389456537e-02, 1.2132037578631641e-04, 9.9655345116356342e-01 ] projection_matrix: rows: 3 cols: 4 data: [ 1.1690410672309877e+03, 0., 8.0921842956542969e+02, -6.8973422966628263e+01, 0., 1.1690410672309877e+03, 5.4944281387329102e+02, 0., 0., 0., 1., 0. ] local_transform: rows: 3 cols: 4 data: [ 0., 0., 1., 0., -1., 0., 0., 0., 0., -1., 0., 0. ] %YAML:1.0 --- camera_name: v3_left image_width: 1920 image_height: 1080 camera_matrix: rows: 3 cols: 3 data: [ 1.0558953147204809e+03, 0., 9.6861224966146654e+02, 0., 1.0561742576279689e+03, 5.4737703186392207e+02, 0., 0., 1. ] distortion_coefficients: rows: 1 cols: 5 data: [ 3.1549975364296087e-02, -5.4710881303338565e-02, 1.4402077554779872e-03, 1.1984140678372901e-04, 2.5597635329116526e-02 ] distortion_model: plumb_bob rectification_matrix: rows: 3 cols: 3 data: [ 9.9650419731458895e-01, -1.5571413260300928e-02, 8.2078717238293686e-02, 1.5615644220603613e-02, 9.9987806308218730e-01, 1.0306594503182510e-04, -8.2070313694918809e-02, 1.1790063996523145e-03, 9.9662584431366585e-01 ] projection_matrix: rows: 3 cols: 4 data: [ 1.1690410672309877e+03, 0., 8.0921842956542969e+02, 0., 0., 1.1690410672309877e+03, 5.4944281387329102e+02, 0., 0., 0., 1., 0. ] local_transform: rows: 3 cols: 4 data: [ 0., 0., 1., 0., -1., 0., 0., 0., 0., -1., 0., 0. ] %YAML:1.0 --- camera_name: v3 rotation_matrix: rows: 3 cols: 3 data: [ 9.9999958108800902e-01, 2.2982158297996056e-04, -8.8600555664321626e-04, -2.3077866499832288e-04, 9.9999938987836812e-01, -1.0802703824882582e-03, 8.8575674662271832e-04, 1.0804744011295782e-03, 9.9999902400455087e-01 ] translation_matrix: rows: 3 cols: 1 data: [ -5.8789221262217591e-02, 9.3751252964912582e-04, -4.8937239029980427e-03 ] essential_matrix: rows: 3 cols: 3 data: [ -2.6333012605341845e-07, 4.3113965386387771e-03, 8.2112573241551715e-04, -4.2646380487953309e-03, 5.4959479093007765e-05, 5.1786695204754693e-02, -8.1383231074367668e-04, -5.1783084800446848e-02, 5.6671210309109435e-05 ] fundamental_matrix: rows: 3 cols: 3 data: [ 8.8283363112214513e-10, -1.4450456780826143e-05, 5.0022352146395412e-03, 1.4291456005740164e-05, -1.8412899888568561e-07, -1.9698760866374873e-01, -4.9842252585007131e-03, 1.9516274776158657e-01, 1. ] |
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In reply to this post by matlabbe
it works now but i want to know the warning i get when i do calibration is it bad or what ?
and how can i control the StereoBM or StereoSGBM ? <----- very important i guess from Parameters.h but i am not sure if what i see is just StereoBM or StereoSGBM there must be octomap or something , i just want to improve the point cloud so about the header and cpp which i updated i confirm they work so you can add them to the next update ![]() and about the GUI when we do calibration add a button start and stop so once i am in it will not going to automatically start playing so i can have a chance to change the numbers without closing and opening window again |
This error may be caused by a compilation issue (see also this post) with Eigen:
[FATAL] (2024-10-18 20:16:12) OptimizerG2O.cpp:1906::rtabmap::OptimizerG2O::optimizeBA() Condition (optimizer.verifyInformationMatrices()) not met! You may also set Odom/ImageDecimation=2 for odometry because the default parameters may not work well with 1080p resolution. You can switch between StereoBM and StereoSGBM with parameter Stereo/DenseStrategy=0 or 1 respectively. OctoMap is not required if you just want to see a point cloud. For the requested code update, is it mostly just the FOURCC('M', 'J', 'P', 'G') line to add? For the calibration GUI, having controls of the camera could be indeed useful. I created a ticket about that. cheers, Mathieu |
This post was updated on .
thats a lot :) i will test and see if i got other problems or fixes i will update you right away
you said OctoMap is not required if you just want to see a point cloud , i thought octomap turn the point cloud to voxels then icp handle the merge , so i can increase the resolution of it how to open odometry window like the GUI with the red and green dots ? i want to ask something not related the what we were talking about , i wonder if there laser projection pattern algo to make better point cloud ? or binary code single shot ? in ( RTAB map ) is there a discord channel for rtab map ? if nt , may i get urs if you got one ? its ok if you dont want to share it i can stick with the forum no hard feelings ![]() i am working on that , i wrote python code from long time does something like that but i did not test it yet on last thing , dont forget to update the ELP part in the next update ![]() |
In reply to this post by matlabbe
about the update here is the full header i added as well the .cpp
i added few options like public const StereoCameraModel& getStereoModel() const; void setResolution(int width, int height) { _width = width; _height = height; } void setFPS(double fps) { _fps = fps; } void setFOURCC(int fourcc) { _fourcc = fourcc; } private double _fps; int _fourcc; here is the header https://pastebin.com/gKMAP4Vq about the CameraStereoVideo.cpp added the elp part , and const return stereomodel so i can print the fx fy cx cy etc this part i added early right after namespace here is the code https://pastebin.com/CPgpMvFU i forgot to answer on the update question , i was excited ![]() copy the codes because they may expire after 2 weeks |
here is the related pull request: https://github.com/introlab/rtabmap/pull/1366 OctoMap is not used by ICP, it provides a 3D occupancy grid for planning and/or obstacle avoidance. When using ICP, there is another parameter called Icp/VoxelSize that can be applied to input point clouds before doing ICP. With stereo cameras, you are likely not using ICP (I don't recommend it). ICP would be used only with TOF cameras or LiDAR. Do you mean " how to do it in your cpp code"? You may look at how this example works. Structured light sensor like original Kinect for xbox 360 can indeed improve depth quality over pure stereo. Other option is a semi-random IR dotted pattern to improve depth estimation with standard stereo disparity algorithms (like realsense cameras). No, I cannot give real-time advices, otherwise I would have no life :) Regards, Mathieu |
This post was updated on .
hello , long time no talk
![]() i have a theory i want to test , i will train a model so what would be the easiest to go with Rtab map , i want to use it to replace stereo matching 1-TensorFlow light 2-PyTorch 3-Darknet (YOLO) 4- other suggestions or should i go with Matlab ? its more robust than opencv in detecting the pattern i want to use Note : i will still go with opencv after making the detection if you want me to open another post just say i wont mind |
To replace the stereo matching approach (I assume you refer to dense stereo matching), if you use python code and ROS, the easiest way would be to do it upstream (externally of rtabmap node) and republish your disparity image as a depth image that could be fed to rtabmap. Just make sure to republish with same stamp than the input stereo images used to estimate it so that rtabmap can correctly synchronize it with the left or right stereo image. Based on your previous posts, you were not using ROS, but directly the c++ API. If the neural network could be used from c++ code, that would be the easiest. cheers, Mathieu |
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