stereo_odometry in CARLA not working

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stereo_odometry in CARLA not working

Hi Matheu,

I am now trying to use RTAB-Map with a stereo camera in CARLA. However, I find the following error. Do you have any comments or suggestions on how to fix this?

[ERROR] [1630350848.628956292, 96.261567119]: The stereo baseline (0.000000) should be positive (baseline=-Tx/fx). We assume a horizontal left/right stereo setup where the Tx (or P(0,3)) is negative in the right camera info msg.

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Re: stereo_odometry in CARLA not working

The right camera_info is not valid for a calibrated stereo camera. Can you show the right camera_info (rostopic echo)? What should be the actual baseline between left and right cameras?