Re: implementing rtabmap_drone_example in real drone
Posted by Samim-17 on
We tried to change the Odom/ImageDecimation to 4 but that didn't processed the slam.launch.but Odom/ImageDecimation 2 was fine and we saw little /rtabmap/odom hertz increase. We even decrease the fps and resolution but cannot get /rtabmap/odom over 5 hz. If the odom hertz will be 4 will it create issue ?
If there are no obstacle on an open field/ ground will I be able to navigate if the hz of /rtabmap/odom is less than 5 hz ?
Will it be better to switch to jetson nano?
Can you give any ideas on how we will be able to tune some parameter to run this efficiently on rpi4-b with 4gb ram(4gb swap already) ?
I was thinking of doing processing in my laptop by subscribing to rpi4 topic on my drone. I will use the compressed topic for this. Can this be done ? What you think how effective this will be ?