Re: implementing rtabmap_drone_example in real drone

Posted by Samim-17 on

Hello Mathieu,
I tried rtabmap_drone_example on real drone but faced some issues. The drone kind of hovers at given altitude (0.5m) after launching offboard but after 1-2 second starts to drift left and right.
We are using rpi4b for processing with 1.5GHz and 8 gb ram. RPI4B is processing rs_camera.launch for d435 camera and slam.launch.
We have set the camera resolution as 640*480 and fps=15.
 Running rostopic hz on camera topic we are getting > 10 hz for color/image_raw but only around 5hz for aligned_depth_to_color and the /rtabmap/odom hz is  like 3 - 4 hz.
When we run slam.launch we get odometry > 250 and the time update as around 0.15s.
The drone takesoff and tries to hold constant altitude but slowly starts to drift.
What could be the issue ? I tried to change Odom/ImageDecimation to 2 and 4 but still similar behaviour of drone.
Can I really run this on rpi4b with the given processing power? If I can then what parameters can be tuned so that odometry hz increases?
Will rpi5 with 2.4GHz be able to handle the processing?
I was thinking of doing SLAM.launch in my laptop and running only the px4.launch and rs_camera.launch on rpi4b. If I want to do this will rpi4b wifi and my laptop hotspot will have enough speed/bandwidth transfer ?
here is my odometry and /rtabmap/odom hz photo