Re: implementing rtabmap_drone_example in real drone

Posted by Samim-17 on

To use infra1+depth images, will the remapping of rgb_topics to infra1 will work ?

About the re-stamp of the VO poses before sending to PX4, I am doing rosrun the same offboard.src file of rtabmap_drone_example. If the re-stamp is already done in the code what do you mean, I couldn't understand ?

IN my current setup, I am passing /camera/color/image_raw and /camera/color/camera_info and /camera/aligned_depth_to_color/image_raw topics. Should I change this to image_rect_raw topics lke this or is it fine ?
when doing rostopic hz on all color topics I get like 15hz but on the aligned_depth_color topics I get like 5-6 hz.
But on the /camera/depth/color topics I get 20hz. Which topic you would suggest to use on rpi4b and d435 camera setup.

We have completly turned off GPS and all other parameter are set to use vision.(PX4 Firmware is the latest not 1.12.3)

Thanks for the reply Mathieu.