Re: implementing rtabmap_drone_example in real drone

Posted by matlabbe on

Samim-17 wrote
Can I get some reasons why infra1 is used in real world instead of color which was used in simulation
The simulator is a fake camera, it is not really using the same spec of the realsense. The infra1 has a global shutter and has larger field of view, two important things to get best visual odometry. If you are now using infra1, I strongly recommend to disable the IR emitter or put a sticker on it to block it, otherwise visual odometry will have a hard time as there would be points in the environments moving with the drone.

To debug drone takeoff issue, I would need to see the raw data used by visual odometry, so a rosbag of the 15Hz images would be better.

I have seen the drone losing altitude when creating that example (issue that we can actually see at 3:52 in that video), but it was fixed by updating px4 to a newer version. I've found the youtube comment:
Update: Bug at 3:56 doesn't seem to appear anymore in latest PX4 versions. On Noetic with PX4 v1.12.3, it could fly fully autonomous over 60 min without any sign of that bug. PX4 v1.8.2 was used in this video under Melodic.