Re: implementing rtabmap_drone_example in real drone

Posted by Samim-17 on

Hello Mathieu,
We are thinking of reducing the camera fps to 6 and resolution to 640*480. Do you thing the visual odometry frequency will be sufficient for drone to perform SLAM and autonomous nav ?

I also saw your rp3.ini in this link How can I load this file in the rtabmap parameters since the github repo has slam.launch only ?

what rostopic hz do I need to check for ensuring the odometry is > 10 hz (is it rostopic hz /rtabmap/odom?) by changing different parameters?

Or is it impossible to do SLAM and autonomous NAV in drone with RPI4?
Also to add, sometime I get 6 hz in rostopic hz /rtabmap/odom while sometimes I get 1-2 hz in  rostopic hz /rtabmap/odom. Do you have any idea why is that so ?

do you have any ideas how  can we try drone mapping and navigation using rpi4 or I mean to say any processing hacks for improvements. Doing remote mapping is also not good for Pi4?

Hardware: RP4, px4 , d435