Re: find_object on Jetson TK1 development board

Posted by RichardW on

find_object is running on the Jetson TK1 board.

I did a source compile installation of OpenCV-2.4.10 on top of the Nvidia OpenCV binaries.
My preferred solution would be to compile just the nonfree module to run along side of the Nvidia binaries, but cmake is something of a mystery to me. Perhaps someone with a Jetson board that knows cmake will post a tutorial some day.

find_object installed with no errors. It runs at 1fps with the default settings.
The recognition of partially occluded objects as very impressive!

The freenect drivers for the Kinect model 1473/Ubuntu Indigo/Jetson hardware are somewhat broken for the moment. I am looking forward to installing RTAB-Map when they are fixed.