Re: Using rtabmap visual slam using zed2i camera

Posted by impressivetoken on

Hi again,

Thanks it worked!

But the problem i am facing is as i am increasing the OptimizeMaxError, the error ratio also increases.

For example:
    (i)When OptimizeMaxError was default, the error ratio would go up to 3.5-4 as already observed in the picture above.

   (ii)When it was set to "10", the error ratio would increase to 47 and at times would go up to 66 as well

I'm sorry for the glare in the photos.

   (iii)I was just exploring with its values just to see how far it can go up. One thing I have noticed is that the higher the value I set of OptimizeMaxError the more error ratio would go up.

I also noticed another warning showing up in the terminal, i dont know if it will be of any help or not.

Also thank you for the link you sent me in the end!