unvisualizable topic /mapData

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unvisualizable topic /mapData

Stan Swartz
I've just setup a new laptop with the following:
- Ubuntu 20.04
- ROS Noetic
- RTabMap

I SSH -X into a robot with a Jetson Xavier.

Before setting up the new laptop, I was using a Jetson Nano to SSH -X into the Jetson Xavier.

At that time, I was able to see all of the relevant RTabMap topics in Rviz, including /mapData. Unfortunately, although I can see many RTabMap topics with the new setup (laptop), /mapData is among those that are now unvisualizable topics. See image below.

I have not changed any of the launch files since moving to the laptop setup.

I do not know how to make /mapData and the other unvizualizable topics visualizable like they were previously. Can someone please give some pointers on how to correct this?

Unvisualizable RTabMap topics

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Re: unvisualizable topic /mapData

Stan Swartz
I found the solution to my problem here in a reply by psei

"What finally solved my problem was adding all PCs with their hostnames and IP Adresses to the "/etc/hosts" file. Since then, everything works fine."