version cause the database can't use anymore?

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version cause the database can't use anymore?

      i found that my database(map) is 0.11.7, and the rtabmap is 0.11.8, all is installed through apt-get. when launch rtabmap_ros it print "can't locate rtabmap in rtabmap_ros"...
      was the version reason? what should i do if i want to use my old map still?
      thank u~
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Re: version cause the database can't use anymore?


RTAB-Map database versions are backward compatible, so 0.11.7 should be readable from higher application versions (but not the inverse). The problem here is more that ros cannot find the rtabmap node in rtabmap_ros package. Make sure you source the setup.bash from /opt/ros/{ros_version}, if you have kinetic:
$ source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
