vins fusion and rtabmap_drone_example

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vins fusion and rtabmap_drone_example

Hello Mathieu,
I wanted to use vins fusion as odometry approach for the rtabmap_drone_example.My questions are:
1)Will vins fusion work good on rpi4b ? as in terms of computational speed and processing?
2)What changes is to be made in the launch file of slam.launch of rtabmap_drone_example to use with vins fusion? is it similar to test_d435i_vio.launch ?
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Re: vins fusion and rtabmap_drone_example


1) I don't have timing results for VINs fusion on RPI4, you may just have to try it. I would suggest to try it with the standalone package first before trying to integrate inside rtabmap (tip: here is a hint how to build/install vins fusion to be integrated in rtabmap).
2) Yes, refer to test_d435i_vio.launch