what is the relation between visual features "loop closure" and navigation using Kinect

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what is the relation between visual features "loop closure" and navigation using Kinect

Dear Mathieu
I develop Ensemble loop closure detection using multiple feature descriptor based on rtabmap and I like to test it with rtabmap navigation. When I tracing rtabmap I can't find the relation between the visual features and the odometry data from kinect.

My questions:
1. if we improve the loop closure detection this will improve the navigation with kinect or stereo?
2. How can I extract the trajectory to calculator absolute trajectory error (ATE)?
3. can I use console Application to create map with  kinect or stereo dataset?
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Re: what is the relation between visual features "loop closure" and navigation using Kinect


1. yes, better localization is always good for navigation
2. do you mean in format used in TUM's RGB-D datasets? If so, the easiest way is to do File->Export poses (then select RGBD-SLAM format).
3. No, the console app is only used for loop closure detection benchmark. For RGBD-SLAM, you have to use the GUI. Note that you can disable 3D cloud rendering (Preferences->3D Rendering), close odometry view and loop closure view to avoid most of the GUI latency overhead.
