why does rtabmap.launch file sometime publish /odom, and some times publish /rtabmap/odom?

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why does rtabmap.launch file sometime publish /odom, and some times publish /rtabmap/odom?


why does rtabmap.launch file sometime publish /odom, and some times publish /rtabmap/odom ?
i am using these two launch files:


thanks a lot
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Re: why does rtabmap.launch file sometime publish /odom, and some times publish /rtabmap/odom?

Not sure exactly why with your launch file, but in general it is because the node is started in a namespace rtabmap.

If you set odom_topic to "odom" and rtabmap is started in rtabmap namespace, the topic will be /rtabmap/odom. If you set "/odom" and even if rtabmap is started in rtabmap namespace, the topic will be "/odom" because you set it in global namespace.