Demo RTAB-Map on Turtlebot

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Re: Demo RTAB-Map on Turtlebot

Nick Hoo
Thank you very much!
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Re: Demo RTAB-Map on Turtlebot

Hello, i'm trying to run the turtlebot_bringup but it keeps giving me a message that it needs me to export the environment variables. Every time there is another variable to export.

Invalid <arg> tag: environment variable 'TURTLEBOT_BASE' is not set.

Arg xml is <arg default="$(env TURTLEBOT_BASE)" doc="mobile base type [create, roomba]" name="base"/>
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file

There is some step that i am missing?

Sorry for bad english and thank you for your help :)
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Re: Demo RTAB-Map on Turtlebot

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