How to use rtabmap on turtlebot?

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How to use rtabmap on turtlebot?

     I tried to run rtabmap on turtlebot, but tf has  error,Can you give some advice about how to Modify?
[ WARN] [1418803698.777078622]: The tf tree is invalid because it contains a loop.
Frame wheel_left_link exists with parent base_link.
Frame base_link exists with parent base_footprint.
Frame wheel_right_link exists with parent base_link.
Frame base_footprint exists with parent odom.
Frame odom exists with parent map.
Frame camera_link exists with parent camera_rgb_frame.
Frame camera_rgb_frame exists with parent base_link.
Frame camera_rgb_optical_frame exists with parent camera_rgb_frame.
Frame camera_depth_optical_frame exists with parent camera_depth_frame.
Frame camera_depth_frame exists with parent camera_rgb_frame.
Frame caster_back_link exists with parent base_link.
Frame caster_front_link exists with parent base_link.
Frame cliff_sensor_front_link exists with parent base_link.
Frame cliff_sensor_left_link exists with parent base_link.
Frame cliff_sensor_right_link exists with parent base_link.
Frame gyro_link exists with parent base_link.
Frame plate_bottom_link exists with parent base_link.
Frame plate_middle_link exists with parent base_link.
Frame plate_top_link exists with parent base_link.
Frame pole_bottom_0_link exists with parent base_link.
Frame pole_bottom_1_link exists with parent base_link.
Frame pole_bottom_2_link exists with parent base_link.
Frame pole_bottom_3_link exists with parent base_link.
Frame pole_bottom_4_link exists with parent base_link.
Frame pole_bottom_5_link exists with parent base_link.
Frame pole_kinect_0_link exists with parent base_link.
Frame pole_kinect_1_link exists with parent base_link.
Frame pole_middle_0_link exists with parent base_link.
Frame pole_middle_1_link exists with parent base_link.
Frame pole_middle_2_link exists with parent base_link.
Frame pole_middle_3_link exists with parent base_link.
Frame pole_top_0_link exists with parent base_link.
Frame pole_top_1_link exists with parent base_link.
Frame pole_top_2_link exists with parent base_link.
Frame pole_top_3_link exists with parent base_link.

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Re: How to use rtabmap on turtlebot?

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Re: How to use rtabmap on turtlebot?

In reply to this post by yincanben
Hey mr. Yiancanben I work with turtlebot 2 and am wanting to run the ROS version of Slam RTABMAP in turtlebot, where it will do the trajectory and mapping alone. I wonder how you managed to get to run !!

thanks You
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Re: How to use rtabmap on turtlebot?

In reply to this post by yincanben
I think both turtlebot and rtabmap are publishing the transformation from /base_link to /camera_link when you use standard launchfiles. There should only be one publisher of a specific transformation.
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Re: How to use rtabmap on turtlebot?

In reply to this post by Leo
Have you installed RTABMap and ROS ?If not, you should install them,and you should modify the openni_launch file:
<include file="$(find openni_launch)/launch/openni.launch" >
    <arg name="publish_tf" value="false" />
Then you can run:

$roslaunch turtlebot_bringup minimal.launch
$roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch depth_registration:=true
$roslaunch rtabmap_ros rgbd_mapping.launch

maybe,you can control the turtlebot by running:
$roslaunch turtlebot_teleop keyboard_teleop.launch
I hope it help you.