Processing RGBD datasets from command line?

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Processing RGBD datasets from command line?

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I'm trying to process RGBD datasets using rtabmap standalone. I was able to do so using the instructions here. However, I've added some new features to my clone of RTAB-MAP and for now can only set them using the command line. Is there a way to process RGBD-datasets as in the instructions using the command line?

Alternatively, is there a way to add new options to the GUI. For example, if I added new feature detectors how can I make them an option in the GUI?

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Re: Processing RGBD datasets from command line?

To process these datasets from the command line, look at the new tool rtabmap-rgbddataset.

To add new feature detectors to UI, it is quite hard-coded unfortunatly. Use Qt Designer to open PreferencesDialog.ui and edit the combobox where the features are. The index in combobox should match the index in Features2D.h.

To add more general options, edit the UI and the corresponding class.
