I want to get the localised coordinates of my camera attached to a robot as x,y,z value in a map already made using the rtabmap mapping in windows. For every detection i need the output coordinates please reply as simply as possible i need the above for my slam and localisation project. I am using Kinect XBOX 360 and only visual odometry. Thanks in advance! :)
did you try this tutorial in localization mode? cheers, Mathieu |
Can I do it without ros I am running rtabmap on Windows and on Ubuntu 16.04 ros kinetic is giving errors when downloading packages.
If you want real-time outputs, you should go with the ROS package. What are the errors when downloading packages?
CloudViewer.cpp:1931::setCloudVisibility() Cannot find actor named "cloudOdom".
The standalone version of matlab gives this error On ROS version the error is E: Unable to locate package ros-kinetic-rtabmap-ros If i build from source : E: Unable to locate package libdc1394-dev E: Unable to locate package ros-kinetic-openni-launch E: Unable to locate package ros-kinetic-openni2-launch E: Unable to locate package ros-kinetic-freenect-launch E: Unable to locate package ros-kinetic-costmap-2d E: Unable to locate package ros-kinetic-octomap-ros E: Unable to locate package ros-kinetic-g2o |
For ROS, make sure your computer is correctly set (following these installation instructions) so that apt-get can find the ROS packages. The error "Cannot find actor named "cloudOdom"." should not happen normally. The only place in the code where I can see that it could be called while the CloudViewer doesn't have this cloud is from here. If it does, you may have also other errors shown (like "Adding cloudOdom to viewer failed!"), otherwise not sure why cloudOdom is not added to CloudViewer here. cheers, Mathieu |
Thank you the above all worked. If we have 2 images taken by the kinect how do i find the motion that has happened between them could you please provide the code. :)
I want to know how the whole localization process is happening and if given 2 rgb images how to find the robot motion. I want to code it myself taking help from your code i would be very grateful if you can reply to me quick. Thanks in advance :)
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RTAB-Map doesn't do motion estimation using only RGB, it requires also depth images (or stereo images). Without going deep in all options that can be done for motion estimation, here is a simple example using RegistrationVis class: #include <rtabmap/core/RegistrationVis.h> #include <rtabmap/core/CameraRGBD.h> using namespace rtabmap; int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { CameraFreenect camera; // Assume Kinect for XBOX 360 camera.setImageRate(1); // capture at 1 Hz Transform opticalRotation(0,0,1,0, -1,0,0,0, 0,-1,0,0); camera.setLocalTransform(opticalRotation); // from camera frame to rtabmap/ros frame if(!camera.init()) { printf("Failed to initialize the camera!\n"); return -1; } RegistrationVis registration; SensorData frame = camera.takeImage(); SensorData previousFrame = frame; while(frame.isValid()) { Transform t = registration.computeTransformation(previousFrame, frame); if(t.isNull()) { printf("Could not compute motion\n"); } else { printf("Motion: %s\n", t.prettyPrint().c_str()); } previousFrame = frame; frame = camera.takeImage(); } return 0; } Well, the RegistrationVis class may be a little complicated at first look, it is because it can handle the case where visual features have to be computed and matched. The actual transformation computation is done by functions in util3d_motion_estimation.h. For a more general usage of RegistrationVis, you can look at the OdometryF2F class. cheers, Mathieu |
Can I run this code using visual studio?
In reply to this post by matlabbe
Plus I currently don't have access to the Kinect I have stored RGB and depth images how can I supply them?
This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by rit2014006
On Windows, I would use CameraOpenni2. But yes, if you are able to build rtabmap on Windows, you should be able to use this.
EDIT For a folder of RGB and depth images: the images should be already rectified, the depth should be PNG (32bits in meter or 16bits in mm), registered to RGB camera and you should have a calibration file (e.g., "calibration.yaml"): CameraRGBDImages camera(pathRGBImages, pathDepthImages); Transform opticalRotation(0,0,1,0, -1,0,0,0, 0,-1,0,0); camera.setLocalTransform(opticalRotation); if(camera.init(".", "calibration")) // use "calibration.yaml" in the current directory { ... } You can use rtabmap app to create a calibration file if you know already the focal length of the RGB camera: click on Preferences->Source->Create Calibration. cheers, Mathieu PS: I also modified the example above with the missing optical transformation. |
Sorry i am very new to all this. How do i run the above file in Ubuntu 16.04?
On Ubuntu it is the easier way to build rtabmap, as all dependencies can be downloaded as binaries (apt-get). Build rtabmap from source: https://github.com/introlab/rtabmap/wiki/Installation#ubuntu Create an app using rtabmap libraries: https://github.com/introlab/rtabmap/wiki/Cplusplus-RGBD-Mapping cheers, Mathieu |
libpcl 1.7 gives an error that package is not available while downloading and I can't add it's ppa for Ubuntu 16.04
What is the line you used? libpcl-dev should be available by default on Ubuntu 16.04: http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/libpcl-dev |
Thank you if i want to find locations from transforms should i do a vector addition between successive transformations?
Plus what is the format of the transformations Motion: xyz=0.094200,-0.043168,-0.015102 rpy=0.015845,0.042616,-0.123761 x y z is in meters i guess Plus how can i access the individual elements of transformation t? |
What is the algorithm used for computing which features match between 2 images and then find the transformations?
Also how to do localization from individual transformations between images? Thanks :) |
#include <rtabmap/core/RegistrationVis.h> #include <rtabmap/core/CameraRGBD.h> #include <rtabmap/core/util3d_transforms.h> #include <iostream> using namespace rtabmap; int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { //CameraFreenect camera; // Assume Kinect for XBOX 360 //camera.setImageRate(1); // capture at 1 Hz CameraRGBDImages camera("/home/rahul/uimages/rgb/", "/home/rahul/uimages/depth/"); //Transform opticalRotation(0,0,1,0, -1,0,0,0, 0,-1,0,0); //camera.setLocalTransform(opticalRotation); camera.init(".", "calibration"); /*if(camera.init(".", "calibration")) // use "calibration.yaml" in the current directory { }*/ //Transform opticalRotation(0,0,1,0, -1,0,0,0, 0,-1,0,0); //camera.setLocalTransform(opticalRotation); // from camera frame to rtabmap/ros frame if(!camera.init()) { printf("Failed to initialize the camera!\n"); return -1; } RegistrationVis registration; SensorData frame = camera.takeImage(); SensorData previousFrame = frame; int k = 1; cv::Point3f p(0,0,0); while(frame.isValid()) { Transform t = registration.computeTransformation(previousFrame, frame); if(t.isNull()) { printf("Could not compute motion\n"); } else { p = util3d::transformPoint(p,t); std::cout<<p<<"\n"; /* Transform t2 = t1; t2 = t2.to3DoF(); t1 = t1 * t; //printf("Motion: %s\n\n%s\n", t.prettyPrint().c_str(),t1.prettyPrint().c_str()); printf("%d Motion: %s\n", k,t2.prettyPrint().c_str());*/ } previousFrame = frame; frame = camera.takeImage(); k++; } return 0; } The above code is returning wrong output if i am trying to localize and why are we using an optical rotation matrix and it is giving wrong output with and without it can you please explain what is wrong with my code. Thank you :) |
Can you share a couple of images to test the code with? Along with calibration file you used, to see if the inputs are correct at first. In the first example, the keyframe changes at every frame, so multiplying the transform would give you the pose from the starting position of the camera. If t is null, you may not change the keyframe: Transform pose = Transform::getIdentity(); while(frame.isValid()) { Transform t = registration.computeTransformation(previousFrame, frame); if(t.isNull()) { printf("Could not compute motion\n"); } else { pose *= t; printf("%d Motion: %s\n", k, pose.prettyPrint().c_str()); previousFrame = frame; } frame = camera.takeImage(); k++; } The transform is printed in meters and angles in radian: "x y z roll pitch yaw". Features are by detected by default by OpenCV GFTT detector, then BRIEF descriptors are extracted from the keypoints. Descriptors are matched using NNDR (Nearest Neighbor Distance Ratio) approach. EDIT The optical rotation is optional, but required if you want the poses in ROS referential: x-forward, y-left, z-up. Without optical rotation, the poses will be in camera frame: x-right, y-down, z-backward. cheers, Mathieu |
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