In fact there isn't a node that die, but I made the following test:
I uninstall all freenect and rtabmpa* from my system. then
Install just ros-kinetic-freenect_launch (it install ros-kinetic-libfreenect and other dependencies)
I run freenect_launch on a terminal
run rostopic hz /camera/rgb/image_raw on a second terminal and confirm 30fps
run rostopic hz /camera/depth_registered/image and get a couple of 30fps messages and then "no new message" on terminal 2 and 3. From there I have to shutdown all unplug kinect, replug and launch everithing again.
This happen on my laptop PC (dell inspiron 5000) and on odroid xu4, the same issue. It don't happen on my desktop PC running lubuntu.
One option would be to discard raspberrys and install my laptop PC, but I need to make it work on it!
For your tests on raspberry pi 3 and ubuntu 18, how do you install freenect, openni and onpenni2 driver? and how do you test if it is working or not?
I already saw your post about raspberry pi3 and I'm working trying to reproduce.
I know the problem is the drivers, so I'm looking for some setup that is tested to work, I found this: wondering if rtabmpa_ros would run on ros jade.