use rtabmap for UAV navigation

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use rtabmap for UAV navigation

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Hello, everyone.

      I want to use rtabmap with UAV, and maybe octomap  is a good choice for navigation. Now I have some trouble in getting the octomap by using the RGBD camera. I have read the discussion and I can get octomap with the db file. So how can I use rtabmap to get octomap with a RGBD camera? Thanks!
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Re: use rtabmap for UAV navigation

Hello guan,

You can generate an octomap by connecting output of rtabmap "cloud_map"  to input of octomap_server "cloud_in". Octomap will then publish the octomap. Example (you will need to install octomap_server and octomap_rviz_plugins):
$ roslaunch freenect_launch freenect.launch depth_registration:=true
$ roslaunch rtabmap_ros rgbd_mapping.launch rtabmapviz:=false rviz:=true
$ rosrun octomap_server octomap_server_node cloud_in:=/rtabmap/cloud_map
Then add in RVIZ the octomap_grid (3D) or octomap_map (2D) visualization and select topic "/octomap_full".

However, to increase speed of the octomap generation, you may want to modify cloud generation parameters ("cloud_voxel_size" and "cloud_output_voxelized") of rtabmap node. By default, the voxel size of the generated cloud is 0.05 m.


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Re: use rtabmap for UAV navigation

Thanks anyway!I will try.