Hesai QT128 with Zed2i and external fused Odometry

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Re: Hesai QT128 with Zed2i and external fused Odometry

Hi Mathieu,

Had a issue when adding obstacles to map after mapping and starting in localization mode where Nav2 subscribes in transient locally. Can you please advise if I am missing step here ?

Created Map --> rtabmap-databaseViewer --> File --> Edit optimized 2D map -->  add obstacles --> No for the question about cropping --> Close databaseViewer and relaunch in localization mode in ROS side, relaunch rviz as well, but the map is original one minus obstacles.
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Re: Hesai QT128 with Zed2i and external fused Odometry

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Re: Hesai QT128 with Zed2i and external fused Odometry

Hi Mathieu,

Re-basing to master branch fixed that issue, thank you again.
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Re: Hesai QT128 with Zed2i and external fused Odometry

In reply to this post by matlabbe
Hi Mathieu,

The re-basing worked to load the map but as soon as the Nav2 gets loaded twice, the obstacles appear again which were cleared.

When obstacles was cleared from map which is looks like salt pepper noise in bottom of the map.

Loading Nav2 again, this obstacle appears,

Also I have noticed when I relaunch databaseviewer the obstacle which was cleared still appears in database map vs the not in the exported optimized map ? Can this be issue ?

These are my launch files for Nav2, map QoS is transient local.
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Re: Hesai QT128 with Zed2i and external fused Odometry

This post was updated on .
I cannot reproduce your issue, I restarted nav2 stack many times while keeping rtabmap node running and the map was showing always my custom changes (guess what they are :) ):

I see that you may have a map_server node started by nav2 bringup. You may doublecheck that there are no other nodes publishing also a map.

In databaseViewer, the Graph View won't show the edited map. You can only see the edited map under File->"Edit optimized 2D map..."

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Re: Hesai QT128 with Zed2i and external fused Odometry

Hi Mathieu,

As always, thank you . It worked correctly after clearing the workspace and re-building the workspace to your above mentioned commit vs previously I had just built on top of the existing build/install folder.
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Re: Hesai QT128 with Zed2i and external fused Odometry

Hi Mathieu,

During Localization, I would like to know how can I get landmark id which is detected by rtabmap so I can make sure that robot is good for further navigation and localized well w.r.t to tags as well due to complex environment, I am subscribed to localization_pose but would also like to confirm that tag id is detected at the very beginning (I can do this with Apriltag node but would like confirmation of rtabmap to make sure Nav2 can take over at this time reliably ). I tried echo with landmark_detection but did not work and landmarks just give pose data.

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Re: Hesai QT128 with Zed2i and external fused Odometry

Not sure if it is exactly what you need, but there is a "landmarkId" field in rtabmap_msgs/Info, it should not be 0 when a landmark is observed again in the map (so when it relocalizes on the tag).

Note that "landmarkId" may still be set even if localization is rejected when it is the first localization for a while. If it is a problem, I may check deeper how to get robustly that info.

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Re: Hesai QT128 with Zed2i and external fused Odometry

Hi Mathieu,

This works, thank you. The main intention is to know if Rtabmap recognized the tag considering Filters used with Marker/ parameters and the technician while deploying the Robot for first time did what he was supposed to for the start point of the robot.